Create New Job Posting
Click on “Content” in the main menu at the top of the page.
Scroll down and click on “Lists”
To create a new job posting, click on “Add new list item” under Job Postings.
Include the necessary information for the available position. Click “Publish” to make it appear on the website.
Remove or Unpublish Job Posting
To remove a job opening, click on “Content” in the main menu at the top of the page.
Scroll down and click on “Lists”
To remove a job posting, select the title “Job Postings” and then select the small box on the left of the position you would like to remove.
To remove, select “Delete”
If you have this position available often, don’t delete, simply select “Actions” to the right of the job posting and then select “Unpublish.” When you are ready to post the position again, you can just select the small box to the right of the job posting, select “Actions” again and then “Publish.” It will then reappear on the Careers page.
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