1. Send an email to Kubota Help Desk (kubotahelp@tractru.com) requesting to swap out the Hero Search widget (Large image with calls to action and search bar) or Hero Panel (One large image with a call to action and three sub panel images to the right) for the Hero Carousel widget (Widget that cycles through images and/or videos).
2. Once the Hero Carousel widget has been added, you may edit it by logging into the Sitefinity dashboard, go to Pages>Home.
3. Click the Edit button located in the upper right corner of the Hero Carousel widget.
4. Add an item to the carousel by clicking the green button labeled “Add +”.
5. For each item, enter in the Title (required) and Tag Text (optional) in the designated fields.
6. If you want the item to have a button that redirects to another page on the site, select the “Redirect to an Internal Page” checkbox.
7. From here, click the “Select” button to choose the page that you want the button to redirect to.
8. Once you have selected a page, enter in the text that you want to display on the button in the Button Text area. E.g: Latest Specials.
9. Choose whether the slider item will be an image or video.
- Image: Select the Image radio button and choose an image to display.
- E.g: You can select an image from the Headline Image library.
- Video: Select the Video radio button and choose a video to display.
- **Important** The duration of the video must be 15 seconds or less.
- Video types allowed: .webm, .ogv, .mp4
10. To add additional items to the slider, select the green “Add +” button and enter in the information pertaining to that item.
11. To remove an item, select the item tab and click the red button labeled “Remove”.
12. To edit the slide order, select the item tab and drag the item to the perferred placement.
13. Once you have finished editing the Hero Carousel, click the green “Save” button.
Have a question or still need help? Submit a Help Ticket to the Kubota Help Desk!
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