1. Log into the Sitefinity dashboard, go to Pages > Home.
2. Drag and drop the Hero Panel onto the page from the widgets list on the right-hand-side. (Delete unwanted hero)
3. Click Edit in the upper right-hand corner of the Hero Panel widget.
4. Adding Images:
a. When adding images, add your three subpanel images first, then your main image.b. Make sure your main images is at least 1000 pixels wide to prevent the image from appearing blurry or distorted.c. The subpanel images can be smaller.d. You add images by going to the panel you wish to add the image too, then select "Select Image" or "Change Image".
e. Once you've added all of your images, click Save.f. Look at the widget and make sure all of the images are in the appropriate places.
5. Adding Text:
a. You have the option to add text to any and all of your panels.b. Click Edit again, then add the title, text, and button text that you desire for each panel, then Save.
6. Add links to button and subpanels
a. To add a link to the button on the main panel open the Edit menu again and then underneath "Button Link" click Select.
b. Select which page you would like this button to link to.c. Click "Done Selecting"d. To addlinks to the subpanels, click the subpanel you would like to add a link too, then beneath "Panel Link" click Select.e. Then select the internal page you would like this panel to link.f. Click "Done Selecting"g. Then Click Save
7. Remember to Publish your site when you're done editing.
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