1. Open the Content tab on the toolbar. Next, click the Form link under Types of Content.

2. Click the green Create a Form Button.

3. Give the new form a title. Click the green Create and Go to Add Fields Button.

4. The form editor will open. Add content to your form by dragging widgets from the right hand side of the screen into the Body Block. (5 - 19 is an example of using the form editor.)
5. Click the layout link in the top right hand corner. Here you can choose different grids. For this example we will start with a 6 x 6 grid. Click the 6 x 6 grid and drag it to the Body content area. This will split the body into two content sections.

6. Click the Content Link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
7. Drag a Text Box to the top left body block.

8. Click edit to give the Text Box a title. Title this Text Box "Name."
9. Click Save.

10. Add a Text Box to the right body block. Title this text box Email. Make this text box required by checking the required field box.
* Making an email address or phone number field required is recommended. This will ensure your ability to respond to completed forms.

At this stage your form should look like the image below.

11. Click the Layout link in the top right hand corner of the screen. Add a Grid-12 below the 6 x 6 grid.

12. Click the Content link in the top right corner of the screen.
13. Drag a Paragraph Text Box into the Grid-12 Body Block. Title the Paragraph Text Box "Message."

14. Drag a CAPTCHA Widget under the Paragraph Text Box.
* This step is recommended. Having a CAPTCHA will keep your form safe from bots.

15. Lastly, you have to enter an email address for the form. Click the settings link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
16. Click the check box that is labeled "list of email addresses."
17. Enter one or more email addresses. These email addresses will be notified when a form is filled out.
* In the event of adding multiple email addresses, separate each email address with a hard return (hitting the enter or return key)

18. Click the Validate Emails Button. A green message will appear if the email addresses are valid and were enter correctly.

19. Click the green publish button to save your new form.

20. After publishing the form, you can add it to pages in the page editor.
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