Adding Dealer Used Machine Categories to your Used Machines can be helpful to organize each of the machines into certain groups, for example Tractors, Mowers, Utility Vehicles etc.
1. Click on “Content” in the main menu at the top of the page
2. Scroll down and click on “Dealer Used Machine Categories”
3. To create a new Category, click the green “Create a Dealer Used Machine Category” button
4. From here, you can enter in the name of the category, add related images (preferably resized to 600x400px. For more information, refer to the Image Size Chart Help Doc).
5. If you wish to publish/unpublish the category on a specific date, click the “More actions” drop down menu and select “Publish/Unpublish on Specific Date”. From here, you will be able to select the date and time for when you wish to publish/unpublish the category.
To publish right away, click the green “Publish” button. If you wish to save the category as a draft, select the white “Save as Draft” button.
Editing Dealer Used Machine Categories
1. To edit the Dealer Used Machine Category, click on the category that you created.
2. From here, you can edit all the components on the category just as you would if you were creating it.
3. When finished, Click the green “Publish” button or, if you wish to save the category and complete it later, click the white “Save as Draft” button.
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