We send monthly reports at the end of every month to show you how your site performed. You can always access the most up-to-date analytics information in the backend of your site, but you’ll have fresh results delivered to your email if you prefer only a monthly recap. Here is an example report to show you some key data from the past month on your site:

- The top bar, shown above, starts by displaying how many users visited your site last month.
- Sessions are the number of total time visitors went to your site. This number is generally larger than total visitors because they might visit your site multiple times in a month.
- Pageviews represents the total number of pages visited, while Unique Pageviews counts each time a visitor first lands on a page so re-visits to page by a user are counted in total pageviews.
- Pages/Session is the average number of pages users view before exiting your site. This varies greatly, as some users look at dozens of pages for research while others might only visit the homepage for your phone number or address.
- Avg. Duration is the average length of time users spend on your site. Again, this varies greatly based on users that are researching items versus just grabbing contact info.
- Bounce rate is the percentage of users that enter your site, stay on the first page they visit, then exit the site. You want this percentage to be less than 60% to keep within industry benchmarks and keep your site relevant in search engines like Google and Bing. If you run digital advertising to your site, be sure that where you're sending the people that click your ads to a page that is relevant to the ad so they'll be more likely to stay longer and convert into a lead for you.
- Goal conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that perform an action that moves them into the sales funnel as a lead. This can be clicking your phone number to call the dealership or completing a contact or quote form on a piece of equipment.

- The next row begins with a graph that compares the number of new users (total number visits to site) to the number of users that visited a second or more time in the past month.
- The next pie chart is a breakdown of your visits by device type. Mobile devices are quickly overshadowing desktops, so you want to make sure your content looks great on a phone.
- The last chart is a list of your top channels (sources that bring your website visitors) and how well each type of traffic converts visitors into sales leads (goal conversions). Organic Search traffic comes through non-paid search engines like Google or Bing. Direct traffic is anyone who accessed the site by keying in the URL directly. Paid Search are the paid ads typically seen at the top of a search engine results page. Referral is anything that is linking to the dealer’s site, such as when a user visits a dealer’s page on KubotaUSA.com and clicks to visit the dealer’s site from that page. Social is any traffic that comes through a social media platform. Display are paid banner ads that appear to in-market shoppers on quality sites all across the web.

- The next set of charts has the top performing pages that converted users into sales leads. The standalone '/' signifies your homepage.
- The second chart breaks down your top visited pages for the month.

- The second page breaks down each goal completion, which refers to the actions users took to become sales leads from your site. Here is a breakdown of what each goal completion is referring:
- Click to Call - Users click the phone number to call your store(s); NOTE: this only tracks clicks on mobile devices
- Click to Email - Users click an email address in Location contact information to email your store(s)
- Click for Location - Users click for directions to your store(s)
- RAQ Submit - User submit a request a quote form from an equipment or offer page
- RTV Submit - User submit a request info on trade value form from an equipment page
- Contact Thank You - Users submit a form from your Contact page
- Parts Request - Users request parts from your store(s)
- Service Request - Users request service from your store(s)
- Rental Inquiry - Users request more information on rental equipment
Glossary of Terms:
- Organic Search - when users come to a website through non-paid search engine results like Google or Bing.
- Direct traffic - when a user accesses a website by typing the URL directly into the address bar
- Paid Search traffic - when users click on the paid search engine ads typically seen at the top of a search results page.
- Referral traffic - when a user is redirected to a dealer’s site from another website/source, such as when a user visits a dealer’s page on KubotaUSA.com and clicks to visit the dealer’s site from that page.
- Social - refers to website traffic that comes through a social media platform.
- Display - refers to traffic from users clicking the banner ads that appear to in-market shoppers on quality sites all across the web.
- Bounce Rate - calculated as the percentage of users that exited a website without performing an action. A bounce rate of 60% or less is best.
- Conversions/Goal Completions - The amount of times users complete a contact form, click to call a store, or click for directions to a store
- Goal Conversion Rate - The number of goals completed per amount of visitors to a site
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