New features for 2021 include:
Get more leads with more detail on what customers are looking for with our new BMK integration. The new Build My Kubota integration for your dealership (all locations) so customers can build their package and send them directly to your store.
Customers can now save items from your on-site inventory as well as the Kubota and Land Pride showrooms on your site so they narrow down the equipment that they're most interested to re-visit equipment quickly in their purchasing journey. This keeps the equipment they're looking to purchase at the very top of mind every time they visit your site.
You asked for more ways to feature all of your product lines so we've added the Dealer Line Browser, which allows you to add tiles for each of the product lines you want to feature on a page.
We've had many requests to add social media links in the header of your site, but we took that functionality a step further so you can tailor it to each of your locations if they have separate Facebook pages, Yelp pages, etc. These icons will also match the branding color in your header.

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