One of our design options for a Hero widget is our Dealer Hero. With this widget, there will be a half shadow box with included text over an image. The full image is visible through the included text. With this hero, there is no included search bar but this can be added if interested.
Let’s begin!
Adding the Dealer Hero widget to homepage:
- Log into the dealer Sitefinity backend
- Under the top navigation, go to Design > Page Templates and select the Homepage template
- From the widget dropdown on the right, under Dealer Custom, drag and drop the Dealer Hero widget into the homepage layout.
- Since the Hero widget acts as a welcome to your homepage, we suggest placing it towards the top of the homepage
- Click More on the widget, and make the widget Editable on Pages so dealers can make changes
Customize the Dealer Hero widget:
- Click Edit in the top right corner to make custom edits
- Upload a single image to be the background for your Hero widget. Save it under the Default Library
- Select a shadow box color
- This will be the overlay background for your text. You will be able to see the image behind it, but not as clearly as the rest of the image
- Fill out your Heading and Description
- Choose your Alignment - Left or Right
- If there is a focal point of your image, adjusting the alignment of your overlay text could be helpful so the focal point isn’t covered with text
- Add a single Call to Action button by Selecting a Button Target, linking the page, adding text and choosing a button color
- If you wish to add multiple call to action buttons, skip step 6 and proceed to Adding a Button Banner
*Additional Optional Step: Adding a Button Banner
If you are wanting more Call to Action buttons, you can add a Button Banner under the Dealer Hero
- Under the Dealer Custom widget dropdown, drag and drop the Button Banner widget into the homepage layout below the Dealer Hero
- Click Edit and add up to 8 call to action buttons
- You can adjust the button / hover color
- Link to page or link to URL
*Additional Optional Step: Adding a Search Bar
Having a search bar adds navigation functionality for dealers and guests for the website. Since the Dealer Hero doesn’t have one incorporated, we can add a search bar widget separately to the homepage.
- Log in to the dealer Sitefinity backend
- Under the top navigation, go to Pages and select the Search page
- Within the Equipment Search widget, click Edit
- Copy the Azure Read-Only API Key
- Navigate back to the homepage where the Dealer Hero widget is placed
- From the widget dropdown, under Blaze Search, drag and drop the Search Bar into the homepage layout below the Dealer Hero
- Click Edit within the widget
- Label the search bar (ex. What are you looking for?)
- Select the correct search index (ex. dealer-fullsite)
- Paste the Azure Read-Only API Key you copied above into the Blaze Search Read-Only API Key
- Select the Search Page for where to display the results
- Save your settings
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